
Inuyasha season 3 dub torrent
Inuyasha season 3 dub torrent

雷撃刃VS鉄砕牙!!) DecemNovem11 'Terror of the Ancient Noh Mask' 'Gendai ni Yomigaeru Noroi no Nōmen' (現代によみがえる呪いの能面) JanuNovem12 'The Soul Piper and the Mischievous Little Soul' 'Tatari Mokke to Chiisana Akuryō' (タタリモッケと小さな悪霊) JanuNovem13 'The Mystery of the New Moon and the Black-haired Inuyasha' 'Shingetsu no Nazo! Main article: No. Tetsusaiga' 'Yōtō Gekitotsu! Raigekijin tai Tessaiga' (妖刀激突! Plus, The Amazing Thunder Brothers' 'Shippō Tōjō! Raijū Kyōdai Hiten Manten' (七宝登場! 雷獣兄弟 飛天満天!!) DecemOcto10 'Phantom Showdown: The Thunder Brothers vs. (骨喰いの井戸からただいまっ!) OctoSeptem4 'Yura of the Demon-Hair' 'Sakasagami no Yōma Yūra' (逆髪の妖魔 結羅) NovemSeptem5 'Aristocratic Assassin, Sesshomaru' 'Senritsu no Kikōshi Sesshōmaru' (戦慄の貴公子 殺生丸) NovemSeptem6 'Tetsusaiga, the Phantom Sword' 'Bukimi na Yōtō Tessaiga' (不気味な妖刀 鉄砕牙) NovemOcto7 'Showdown! Sesshomaru' 'Gekitaiketsu! Sesshōmaru tai Tessaiga!' (激対決! 殺生丸VS鉄砕牙!!) NovemOcto8 'The Toad Who Would Be Prince' 'Tono Yōkai Tsukumo no Gama' (殿様妖怪 九十九の蝦蟇) DecemOcto9 'Enter Shippo. And the Boy Who Was Just Overcome' 'Toki o Koeta Shōjo to Fūinsareta Shōnen' (時代を越えた少女と封印された少年) OctoAug2 'Seekers of the Sacred Jewel' 'Shikon no Tama o Nerau Monotachi' (四魂の玉を狙う者たち) OctoSeptem3 'Down the Rabbit Hole and Back Again' 'Honekui no Ido kara Tadaima!' Title Original airdate English airdate 1 'The Girl Who Overcame Time. A second anime series, premiered on Octoand covers the final volumes of the manga series.


The English of the series aired on 's programming block, from Augthrough October 27, 2006. It also aired on Animax's English-language networks in and and it was broadcast on and. Produced by, the series premiered in Japan on on Octoand ran for 167 episodes until its conclusion on September 13, 2004.

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The series follows half- and a high school girl on a journey, alongside their friends, a young, Shippo a lecherous, a demon slayer, and a, to obtain the fragments of the shattered Jewel of Four Souls, a powerful jewel that had been hidden inside Kagome's body, and keep the shards from being used for evil, including by the half-demon. The episodes of the Japanese anime series are based on the first 36 volumes of the manga series of the same title. Together with her new friends Inuyasha, Miroku, Shippo, Sango and Kirara, Kagome's search for the shards of the Sacred Jewel begins. There, she meets Inuyasha, a half-demon who seeks the Shikon Jewel to make himself a full-fledged demon.

Inuyasha season 3 dub torrent